Facts & Questionnaire

Address: Newcombe Road, Cambridge
Three Properties:
Main Quarry/Location (shaded in red)
29ha - Legal Description: SEC 41 SO 510550 SEC 61 SO 510550.
Property Address: Newcombe Road RD 4, Cambridge 3496.
The majority of this site, over 90%, will be extracted. -
Secondary Location - Part Quarry/Processing Plant
33ha - Legal Description: LOT 2 DP 520523
Property Address: 77 Newcombe Road RD 4, Cambridge 3496. -
295 Tirau Road RD 4, Cambridge 3496 (as shown on the map below).
The description often refers only to 77 Newcombe Road, Cambridge, which is misleading as it appears smaller than it actually is. The majority of the extraction and impacts are, in fact, at the lot next door (different titles, shaded in red). It is important, when researching this project, to also consider the property next door. There is always the possibility of variation at a later stage, which is very common with quarries.
This map is part of one of the applicant's documents, covering three different titles (not just the one primarily described).

Please note that the numbers referenced are based on the Application. However, the Applicant frequently presents lower figures and assumptions that do not align with the Application, making their presentation both misleading and inaccurate. Basically, they are trying to downplay it instead of using the figures in the Application.
Size of Quarry (without any variations)
400,000 mts per annum
Operating Hours
Monday to Friday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 7:00 am - 12:00 pm
Note: trucks will driving through Cambridge and waiting before 7am
200 trucks in / 200 trucks out = 400 trucks per day
400 trucks is equivalent to 4,000 passenger cars per day
Roading Network
No direct connection to SH1 with no new on/off ramp planned. Majority of trucks will travel through Cambridge town.
NZTA does not support a new on/off ramp, and it is not part of any current planning for this Application.
For demand in Cambridge, Hamilton, Auckland etc., the logistical route is via Cambridge, as it is shorter, faster and safer.
Majority of demand/population is to the North, not South.
SH1 was diverted around Cambridge to reduce the congestion and the heavy vehicles through Cambridge.
Cambridge traffic volumes are already up, and surpassed the traffic volumes prior to the division due to the recent development around Cambridge.
The volumes are around 20,000 vehicles per day, adding the equivalent of 4.000 vehicles per day is around 20%.
25+ years
Type of quarry
Fulton Hogan is misrepresenting the silica content in their sand, claiming it's different from the actual levels as high silica levels are dangerous to human health - refer video links on this website or even sites like:
Extraction within and permanent removal of riverbanks inside the "Cultural Landscape Zone Alert Area".
Extraction within 10-15 metres from the Karapiro Stream, which feeds into the Waikato River at the low-level bridge in Cambridge.
Extraction inside a river catchment area, including key priority areas within the Karapiro and Mangaonua Stream catchments.
Extraction next to wetlands.
Extraction and permanent removal of land within a Biodiversity/River Stream Corridor – 500m. Indigenous Forest Corridor.
Presence of long-tailed bats, classified as critically endangered (nationally critical).
Presence of long and short-fin eels, with long-finned eels classified as "At Risk – Declining".
Resource Consent Applications via Waikato Regional Council
Discharge of treated water from erosion and sediment control into the Karapiro Stream that feeds the Waikato River
Diversion and discharge of water
Soil disturbance
Discharge of overburden
Ground water take
Water Application
1,200 cubic metres per day (equivalent to 1.2 million litres per day) of groundwater, with a maximum extraction limit of 360 million litres per year, using 11 new high-extraction bores.
Note: Just 2 km down the road in Cambridge, residents are being asked to conserve/save water.
For perspective, 1.2 million litres per day is roughly equivalent to a garden hose stretching from New Zealand to the USA —each day which is hardly sustainable.
National Policy Statement - High Productive Land
The site is located on highly productive land, classified as LUC 2 soils. A new National Policy Statement (NPS) aims to protect such highly productive land, which is vital for food production, from developments that can easily be situated elsewhere.
This site, positioned on the side of Cambridge—not in a remote area—contains valuable soils that have been designated for future agricultural and food production.
The land is protected under Clause "3.9 Protecting highly productive land from inappropriate use and development" which can be found here
The proposed development contradicts the protections set out in the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (2022, amended 2024).
Further information can be found here:
- [National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (2022, amended 2024)](https://environment.govt.nz/publications/national-policy-statement-for-highly-productive-land-2022-amended-august-2024/)
- [NPS-HPL with 2024 Amendments](https://environment.govt.nz/assets/publications/land/NPS-HPL-with-2024-Amendments.pdf)
These resources are abundant across New Zealand, including in the neighboring Matamata/Piako district, which has numerous applications for similar resources. The Waipa District already hosts 23 quarries, with 13 near the Cambridge area, and over 100 quarries operate in the broader Waikato region, making it difficult to justify that alternative locations are unavailable.
Quarry: Fulton Hogan who own RS Sands and Stevesons
Main Shareholders: Fulton & Johnstone Families - South Island
Land owners: Whitehall Fruitpackers, directors: David Garniner , Benjamin Gardiner & Paul Gardiner
Currently showing a "neutral"position - refer cultural section of this website.
This is question in view of the
a) Area is located in "Cultural Landscape Zone" which is 50m each side of the river.
d) within a priority water catchment area that feeds the Waikato River
c) Water extraction of 1.2 million litres per day up to 360 million litres per annum
d) presence of Pā's around the area, including possibly even on this site
e) High Class soils where the Tangata whenua involvement is required under NPS-HPL.
f) present of both the long tail bat and long and short finn eels.
However, the CIA (Cultural Impact Assessment) did not include many items above, including the extraction within a Cultural Landscape Zone.
Zero to any Council, Taxpayer and/or Ratepayer.
Only to the landowners by Fulton Hogan (Whitehall Fruitpackers - Gardiner family)
Potentially to some parties that are not objecting and paid to look the other way